Woman Walks After Life-Long Paralysis

Savita, a life-long Hindu, has suffered all of her life with both legs and one hand unable to function. Recently, two NewLife church members who knew Savita, convinced her to attend church services with them in the village of Periyapalayam. During the worship time – without anyone directly praying for her – Savita was completely healed by the power of Jesus! She immediately accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and stood on her own two legs and clapped her hands in praise and thanksgiving to the God who heals. She walked out of the church service totally healed, and remains that way today. Thank You Jesus for physically healing Savita, but even more for giving her eternal life through Your shed blood. And thanks to our local pastor in Periyapalayam, Pastor Matthew, for shepherding a church body that teaches and welcomes the life-changing power of Jesus.

Mike Manuel

Mike Manuel is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God, a published author, conference speaker, and deliverance minister. Mike and his wife Donna reside in Montana along the beautiful front range of the Rocky Mountains.


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